What Can Bentonite Clay Powder Do For You?

A common product where cosmetic grade bentonite clay is used, as one of the prime ingredients is in a face mask. The high cation exchange capabilities of the clay give it a negative charge. It means that the clay can attract ions that have a positive charge, like magnesium and potassium. There is also calcium, silica, and aluminum. The clay gets its name from Fort Benton, Montana, USA, where it is in abundant measure. People have been enjoying the benefits of bentonite clay for years. So, in case you are unaware of it, let’s take a look at what bentonite clay can do for you.

What are the working properties of bentonite clay?
When we talk of bentonite clay specifications, it has excellent adsorbent properties as it attracts dirt and other impurities on your skin. Besides the adsorbent properties, it is hydroscopic in nature. It is thus beneficial to clean and rejuvenate the skin.

What are the skin benefits of bentonite clay?
Bentonite clay is excellent for the skin as it has antibacterial and detoxifying properties. The healing properties of the clay also get leveraged by spas for pelotherapy, a form of mud therapy. It helps in regulating body heat, boosting blood circulation, and curing skin ailments.

Bentonite binds impurities and removes excess oil from the skin. It can also remove blackheads, unclog pores, and remove excess sebum from the skin. Many times, skin ages prematurely because of radicals formed as a result of exposure to UV rays. Sunscreens thus use bentonite as one of the vital ingredients for skincare.

Due to its moisturizing properties, bentonite also finds its use in moisturizing creams and diaper creams for infants. Other cures that bentonite is famous for include healing lesions, eczema, ulcers, and psoriasis owing to its hydrating and soothing properties. If you are suffering from eczema or acne, it is advisable to talk to your doctor first.

Considerations to keep in mind when using bentonite clay
Calcium bentonite clay powder is beneficial for skin, making it is a prime ingredient in several skincare products.

Bottom line

Skincare treatment gets a boost because of the beneficial properties of bentonite clay. It is common among beauty products for skincare, like face masks. Copia is a leading bentonite clay supplier that processes and markets cosmetic grades of clay.

Want to know more details about our bentonite clay solutions?  Contact us today, and we will be happy to help you.

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